SPEAKER: Francesco 'sugo' Politi


TITLE: Back to the route!


BIO: An Olografix member since the early 2000s, Francesco Politi achieved privilege escalation and became president in 2008, serving until 2012! He works as a system & network administrator at AS21034 and AS205005 (Micso Srl). His other great passions are music (his idol is Frank Zappa) and cats. He has a specific quirk: he cannot stand when people speak in full-duplex.


ABSTRACT: We will explore how the Internet manages to stay operational thanks to a protocol whose specifications were written on two napkins. To lighten the atmosphere and make the talk more inclusive, we will also discuss football.


WHEN: 23/02/24 - 19:00


WHERE: Netsons, Via Tirino 99, Pescara