SPEAKER: Emiliano 'Dr.Brown' Bruni


TITLE: DIY AED Simulator, Shocks of Creativity that Animate the Heart!


BIO: Emiliano is a multifaceted individual. His life is currently suspended between two worlds. Half of his time is dedicated to the fascinating universe of software development, where he excels as a talented full stack developer. He currently thrives in the realms of Docker and Node.js. The other half of his time, he dons the green scrubs of an emergency room physician, passionate about the three E's: ECG, ABG (EGA), and Ultrasound. How he also finds time for mountain biking, and for his wife and two children, remains a mystery to many.


ABSTRACT: When teaching the use of a defibrillator (AED), one cannot use a real one because it would require someone to go into cardiac arrest each time, which is not exactly ideal. In this journey, we will explore the logic behind the AED, why a real one cannot be used, and my path in creating a DIY trainer AED. From the design of the circuitry to programming and the conception of the external case, we will see the various steps that led me to the realization of a working prototype and potential future developments.


WHEN: 29/03/24 - 18:30


WHERE: Micso, Via Tiburtina Valeria, 318/3, Pescara