SPEAKER: Andrea ‘Caliban’ Monti


TITLE: The Illusion of Digital Rights


BIO: Andrea Monti is a long-time civil rights activist. A founding member of Metro Olografix and later ALCEI (the oldest NGO outside the USA focused on freedom in electronic communication), he is a lawyer and adjunct professor of Digital Law at the University of Chieti-Pescara. Together with Stefano Chiccarelli, he co-authored Spaghetti Hacker, still the only history of Italian hacking, along with several other books, the latest being The Digital Rights Delusion. He is a regular contributor to Italian Tech and writes as a freelancer for Wired.it and Formiche.net.


ABSTRACTDo digital rights truly exist, or are they a fetish pursued for money, fame, and power? This talk will explore the reality behind digital rights, questioning their existence and examining the motives behind their advocacy.


WHEN: 24/04/24 - 18:30


WHERE: Sala Consiliare del Comune di Pescara, Piazza Italia, 1, Pescara