SPEAKER: Stefano "antelox" Antenucci, Riccardo "reecdeep" Di Pietro


TITLE:  Threat Intelligence Demystified - What (Not) is Threat Intelligence


BIO antelox: Graduated in Civil Engineering but always passionate about computer science, Stefano took his first steps into the world of Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis within the Italian underground community UIC. Previously a Threat Analyst at the Dutch company Fox-IT, where he focused on threat hunting, threat actor tracking, and reverse engineering. He currently holds the position of Security Researcher at Zscaler with a predominant role in Threat Intelligence and Automation. In his free time, he travels to discover new places but never stops contributing to the community to combat cybercrime.


BIO reecdeep: Born in Pescara in 1985, after a few years of life, I made my first "format c:" on my father's 386. Always passionate about anything with a blinking light! With a degree in Electronic Engineering, my career shifted towards cybersecurity, first as a pentester and then as a reverse engineer and malware analyst. Even though my days are filled with emails, calls, and PowerPoints, Visual Studio and Eclipse are always within a click, witnesses to my past as a developer.


ABSTRACT: We will spend an hour together exploring the meaning of the term Cyber Threat Intelligence. The presentation will highlight the importance of research activities and the level of detail necessary to allow the analyst to understand and attempt to contextualize cyber threats. Through a practical example of automation, we will also demonstrate how to accelerate the extraction of critical data from malicious artifacts, turning complex challenges into effective solutions. A journey into the heart of one of the most complex aspects of cybersecurity.


WHEN: 14/05/24 - 18:30


WHERE: Expo Security - Porto Turistico Marina di Pescara